13-03-2019 | Networking and internationalization, News
For the needs of the project “Social Enterprise – Strengthening Innovative Tourism Project (STEP)” funded by the European Union within the framework of the CBC Program (IPA II 2014-2015), based on the Grant Agreement with reference number IPA / 2017...
05-03-2019 | Networking and internationalization, News
On 04 and 05 March 2019 in Hotel Skardus, Popova Shapka, Tetovo, within the “STEP – Smart tourism enhancement project” was held a two-day workshop for creating joint tourist packages from the regions Polog and Elbasan. The workshop was attended by...
26-02-2019 | Networking and internationalization, News
The partners of the STEP project, together with network members, will organize the first workshop in Popova Sapka on March 4-5, which will initiate various types of cross-border travel packages and tours that “pack” a wide range of services together to...
25-02-2019 | News, Strategy building
Within the project Smart Tourism Enhancement Project funded by the IPA CBC Programme MK-AL 2014-2020, Meeting with Ms. SuzanaKasovska from IEGE, Mrs. Lidija Fajdiga from SEG- Holding and Mrs. Jasminka Popovska from LDA was held on 25.02.2019 in Skopje. During the...
23-01-2019 | Networking and internationalization, News
The last joint meeting of the working group for the development of a framework for joint tourist packages was held in the village of Janche, Mavrovo Rostuse, in the complex Tuto, also a member of the STEP network. This time, the participants were from the both sides...