On 24 June in Tetovo was held a working meeting on the topic: “Establishing a Destination Management Organization for the Polog Region Mavrovo Reka Region”. Official representatives of the STEP Project attended this meeting.
In addition to the brief introduction to the project activities, the participants were introduced to the criteria and method of choosing the destinations, and the role and tasks of the Core Stakeholder Group. During the meeting were considered the results of the questionnaire conducted in March 2019 on a statistical sample of 1200 respondents (of which 30% answered). Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, the following conclusions were drawn: the most important thing is to develop a strategy and a plan for the development of destinations; need for institutional support (Government and ministries), and there is also a need for local promotion of attractions and events and branding of destinations. The following steps were listed for meeting these needs: establishment of a Core Stakeholder Group, training of the members of the group, study tour in Slovenia, organization of workshops as well as active involvement of all members in the process of establishing the organization.